

About Us

Sun Basketball Accessories was created in 2012 when Nick Laudenslayer and his college intramural basketball team wanted to have matching accessories since they weren't allowed to provide their own jerseys. When Nick went online to purchase headbands, shoes and shooting sleeves, he realized that he would have to place orders on multiple sites. This led to increased shipping costs which caused to team to abandon this idea.
Nick learned from his experience and created Sun Basketball Accessories so that all things basketball related could be purchased in one place. Soon, the rest of the intramural team joined in and Sun Basketball Accessories turned from a small project that catered to GCSU students into a legitimate business. Everyone on the Sun Basketball team is currently a student and they are using their time at school to learn skills to help the business grow.

Our Starting Five

Nick Laudenslayer

Position in Basketball: Center
Position at Company: Founder and CEO 
Major: Accounting and Management
Favorite Player: Shaquille O'Neal

Will Morris

Position in Basketball: Power Forward
Position at Company: Public Relations
Major: Theatre
Favorite Player: Jamaal Crawford

Andrew Deveau

Position in Basketball: Small Forward
Position at Company: Tech and Design
Major: Graphic Design
Favorite Player: Anthony Davis

Jacob Herrmann

Position in Basketball: Shooting Guard
Position at Company: Marketing and Sales
Major: Marketing
Favorite Player: Dwyane Wade

Christian Keiser

Position in Basketball: Point Guard
Position at Company: Inventory Acquisition
Major: Who knows?
Favorite Player: Steve Nash

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